THE RHYTHM IS IN YOU ...the right gear is essential for setting it free. No toys or hand-me-downs; a new, complete drum set package with everything you need to start your rhythmic journey to the big time. ROADSHOW’s included hardware package is second-to-none in its class. All stands are dual-reinforced, height and angle adjustable, and feature double-braced legs to withstand the pounding onslaught of the heavy-hitting drummer. 9 ply 7mm Shells
\nDouble Braced Hardware
\n1.6mm Triple Flanged Hood
\n1 Ply Coated Snare Drum Head
\n1 Ply Clear Tom Drum Head
\n1 Ply Clear Bass Drum Heads w/ Self-Muffling Rings
\nMatching Wood Snare Drum
\n16” Crash-Ride Cymbal
\n14” Hybrid Hi-Hats
\nMaple Drum Sticks (2 pr)
\nProfessional Stick Bag
\nPearl Stick Bag
\nLimited 2 Year Warranty
\nTHE RHYTHM IS IN YOU ...the right gear is essential for setting it free. No toys or hand-me-downs; a new, complete drum set package with everything you need to start your rhythmic journey to the big time. ROADSHOW’s included hardware package is second-to-none in its class. All stands are dual-reinforced, height and angle adjustable, and feature double-braced legs to withstand the pounding onslaught of the heavy-hitting drummer.